Your business needs a strong online presence if it sells tangible products in the form of the Best Online Ecommerce Platform. However, if you want to establish yourself in the eCommerce space as an SEO Friendly Website, there is a lot of competition. In addition to the local and regional competition, you are also up against international giants like Amazon and Walmart.
That’s why it’s crucial that you pay attention to every detail of your eCommerce website. Everybody can benefit from reading this guide.
No matter if you’re creating a new website or editing an existing one, SEO still applies.
Your eCommerce store will increase conversions if you follow these best practices. Furthermore, you can add more sales revenue to your bottom line by generating more leads.
Top tips to turn your eCommerce website into the one-stop destiny for online Shopping
No matter whether you are a brick-and-mortar retailer expanding online or an Internet-based company, these tips can help you.
1. Keep your eCommerce website clutter-free
The conversion rates of e-commerce websites with simple designs are higher. Just glance at your homepage right now. How does it look to visitors? Does it have a clear focus? Your visitors should be drawn straight to your call-to-action button or products.

2. Create a simple menu
Menus are a great way to group your products and stay organized. But, as just mentioned, you shouldn’t complicate things too much. Consumers are likely to become confused by too many menu categories, making it difficult to find what they are looking for.
You shouldn’t be too specific with your menu. Categorize your products with broad terms instead.
3. Include a search bar
Now let’s talk about simplicity. After you’ve cleaned up some clutter and simplified your menu options, there are still some adjustments you need to make. By having fewer menu options, visitors will see more products when they click on each category.
Although some of you may not have a lot of products for sale, other eCommerce sites might have hundreds or possibly thousands of items to choose from. Users won’t convert if you force them to scroll through these options randomly. The best solution is to implement a search bar.
4. Use a premium web hosting service
An eCommerce website’s speed is one of the most important factors. Fast loading pages will result in higher conversion rates. However, you will end up paying a lot more if you go with a budget hosting plan.
According to research, a one-second delay in page loading time can result in a 16 percent reduction in customer satisfaction and a 7 percent decline in conversions. In the event that you have a two or three-second delay on your site, you’re in trouble.
Crashing, glitching, or error reports are even more annoying than a slow loading time. So it’s better to spend the money now on a premium hosting plan rather than deal with these headaches in the future. We can assure you, it’s worthwhile.
5. Reduce the number of steps in your checkout process
When visitors decide to make a purchase, they should be able to do so quickly and easily. It’s up to you to make that happen. When a customer has a lengthy checkout process, they are more likely to abandon the transaction. Two-thirds of consumers said the checkout process was too time-consuming and complicated, leading them to abandon their shopping carts.
Here, the key is to ask the buyer only for the essentials. It is pointless to ask about their mother’s maiden name, their favorite vacation spot, or the first concert they attended. Get their billing and shipping information instead. All you need to process a transaction is that information.
6. Make it easy for them to create a profile (but don't force them).
Your buyers should be able to complete the checkout process quickly. So instead of forcing visitors to create a profile, you should offer a guest checkout option. If they still want to create an account, you can encourage it.
7. Send emails when shopping carts are abandoned
Once you set up a user’s profile, you will be able to see when they add items to their shopping cart without buying them. Make sure you keep an eye on it. If you don’t, you could lose money. In many cases, completing the transaction was just a click or two away. Their interest in the product was evident from the fact that they added it to their cart.
Just sending a reminder to the shopper can be enough to seal the deal.
8. Invest in SEO
Those who want what you’re selling may not navigate straight to your website. Google is the top search engine used by 46% of consumers to initiate the buying process. They’ll buy from one of your competitors instead if your eCommerce site is not one of the top results. That’s why optimizing your site for search engines should be a priority for you.
Your brand should be at the top of Google rankings for searches related to the products it sells. Search Engine Optimization hence is to be taken very seriously.
9. Post blog entries regularly
Is your eCommerce website visited by the same person often? It’s likely that they do not purchase regularly. Maybe they buy something every few weeks at most. Among your best customers, they might only purchase once a month.
In the absence of a website, people cannot make purchases.
It is also a great idea to run a blog along with your e-commerce site. As a result, people are more likely to visit your site on a regular basis.
10. Create an email list of subscribers
If you want your eCommerce website to be successful, you need a lot of ready-to-buy visitors. But how are you going to drive traffic to your website? A good way is to build your e-mail list. To entice sales, you can send special offers to subscribers with their email addresses.
11. Provide the most flexible payment options possible
Visa and MasterCard aren’t available to everyone. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean they prefer it. The member may have maxed out one of the cards, or another card could offer better benefits. In addition to accepting PayPal and Apple Pay, your eCommerce site must also accept other payment options.
12. Create informative product descriptions
A name alone won’t sell something. Make sure your website contains detailed descriptions of the products you sell.
Don’t use large blocks of text, however. Make these descriptions as brief as possible. Highlight the key benefits of the product to explain how it works. It is not necessary to explain the entire history of the product or its manufacture. Sales won’t be driven by that. Consumers can even scan through the text and read the description with bullet points if you want to make it easy for them.
13. Eliminate ads
Your eCommerce site may be being used by some of you to sell advertisement space. Do not do so. Doing so is a big mistake. You may be able to earn some extra money. Nevertheless, it’s not worth losing your own clients.
Ads in sidebars and popups can appear spammy. The fear that they’ll be redirected to an unreliable site may make visitors hesitant to click through your site. If you want to be the Best Online Shopping Site, get ready to bid adieu to the ads.
14. Make customer service easily accessible
You can’t anticipate every transaction on your eCommerce site going smoothly. You will encounter issues and questions from customers. This is to be expected. It is important to provide as much help as possible when people encounter problems, such as finding a product or troubleshooting an item that they purchased.
Therefore, you should have a variety of options for contacting customer service, such as:
Live Chat
As a result, your brand can now be contacted how your customers prefer. You must also provide friendly customer service, in addition to being easily accessible.
Customers shouldn’t be kept on hold. Your staff should be prepared to resolve issues efficiently and quickly.
15. Go mobile responsive
You need to optimize your eCommerce site for mobile devices.
In the last six months, 62% of smartphone owners made online purchases using their devices.
Mobile shoppers cannot be excluded. For your eCommerce business, you may even want to consider building an app as part of your mobile strategy.
The ultimate goal is to make the consumer shopping experience as personalized as possible. Besides the payment options and address, you can also save user information.
With just a few clicks, they can complete their order and check out without having to enter their credit card information each time.
It is not easy to run a successful eCommerce website. The good news is that you can do a number of things to increase your chances of driving sales and retaining your customers.
Don’t be intimidated by this list of best practices. You won’t be able to implement them all in one day.
In light of this, you should begin identifying the changes you think need to be made and prioritize them. If you are thinking of getting assistance for the same, Axel is here to help. Contact our team today!